API usage


The data collected for the 2FA Directory website is also available as JSON files for developers to use in their programs.

Supported versions

The table below provides the End of Life (EOL) dates for different 2FA Directory API versions. Please refer to this table to ensure you are using a supported version.

Version 4Yes
Version 3Yes
Version 2Unsupported since 2023-08-01
Version 1Unsupported since 2023-07-01

Things to note

When using the 2FA Directory data, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind to ensure compliance and optimal performance.


The data for the 2FA Directory is licensed under an MIT license which requires attribution when using the data. If the data collected from the 2FA Directory is visible to your users, please provide attribution. This helps acknowledge the source and supports the ongoing maintenance of the directory.
At a minimum, please include the following attribution:

Data sourced from 2FA Directory by 2factorauth.


It is advisable to cache the files locally to avoid potential service interruptions, especially if you intend to query our JSON files frequently or generate significant traffic. Cloudflare, our reverse proxy provider, may block excessive traffic, so local caching ensures your access remains uninterrupted and reduces server load.

Avoid downloading unnecessary data

It is recommended that you download only the specific datasets you need to maximize efficiency and minimize data transfer. For example, if you only require information about sites supporting TOTP (RFC-6238), use the URI that lists only those sites. This approach conserves bandwidth and accelerates data processing.

Signed Files

All JSON files provided by the 2FA Directory are also available as PGP-signed files. These files are signed by 2factorauth to ensure their integrity and authenticity. Using signed files allows you to verify that the data has not been tampered with and is indeed from 2factorauth.

The public key used for signing is published as a CERT record on security.2fa.directory. In the event that the GitHub repository, domain name, or build process is compromised, the key will be missing or revoked.


How often is the data updated?

Changes to the data are reflected within a minute of being made on the GitHub repository. The frequency of changes in the GitHub repository varies from several per day to a few per week.

How do I verify the PGP signatures?

Using GPG, you can download the public key of our signing key.

gpg --auto-key-locate cert --locate-keys [email protected]

You can then verify a .json.sig-file using:

gpg --verify <file>.sig <file>

Version 4

Version 4 of the 2FA Directory JSON files focuses on only outputting data relevant to third-party applications. We have removed elements such as service names, icon paths, and service categories.


The following JSON files are available for Version 4, each serving different 2FA methods and data requirements.

CoverageUnsigned FilePGP Signed File
All sitesv4/all.jsonv4/all.json.sig
SMS 2FAv4/sms.jsonv4/sms.json.sig
Email 2FAv4/email.jsonv4/email.json.sig
Non-U2F hardware 2FA tokensv4/custom-hardware.jsonv4/custom-hardware.json.sig
U2F hardware tokensv4/u2f.jsonv4/u2f.json.sig
TOTP (RFC-6238)v4/totp.jsonv4/totp.json.sig
Non-RFC-6238 software 2FAv4/custom-software.jsonv4/custom-software.json.sig


The JSON files contain various elements that provide detailed information about the 2FA implementations of different sites. The availability of the elements depends on their presence in the source data.

methodsArray<String>Array containing all supported 2FA methods
documentationURLURL to documentation page
recoveryURLURL to recovery documentation page
notesStringText describing any discrepancies in the 2FA implementation
custom-hardwareArray<String>Array of custom hardware methods that the site supports. Only present if the methods element contains “custom-hardware”
custom-softwareArray<String>Array of custom software methods that the site supports. Only present if the methods element contains “custom-software”


Below are examples of what an entry can look like in API version 4.

Example website with 2FA enabled

  "example.com": {
    "methods": [
    "custom-software": [
    "documentation": "<link to site TFA documentation>",
    "recovery": "<link to site TFA recovery documentation>"

Example website with 2FA disabled

  "example.com": {}

Version 3


CoverageUnsigned FilePGP Signed File
All sitesv3/all.jsonv3/all.json.sig
All 2FA-supporting sitesv3/tfa.jsonv3/tfa.json.sig
Phone callsv3/call.jsonv3/call.json.sig
Email 2FAv3/email.jsonv3/email.json.sig
non-U2F hardware 2FA tokensv3/custom-hardware.jsonv3/custom-hardware.json.sig
U2F hardware tokensv3/u2f.jsonv3/u2f.json.sig
RFC-6238 (TOTP)v3/totp.jsonv3/totp.json.sig
non-RFC-6238 software 2FAv3/custom-software.jsonv3/custom-software.json.sig


KeyValue TypeAlways DefinedDescription
domainFQDN✔️The domain name of the service
imgStringImage name used. If this is not defined, the image name is domain.svg
urlURLURL of the site. If this is not defined, the url is https://domain
tfaArray<String>Array containing all supported 2FA methods
documentationURLURL to documentation page
recoveryURLURL to recovery documentation page
notesStringText describing any discrepancies in the 2FA implementation
contactObjectObject containing contact details. See table below for elements
regionsArray<String>Array containing ISO 3166-1 country codes of the regions in which the site is available. If the site is available everywhere apart from a specific region, that region will be prefixed by a - symbol
additional-domainsArray<hostname>Array of domains that the site exists at in addition to the main domain listed in the domain field.
custom-(software|hardware)Array<String>Array of custom software/hardware methods that the site supports. Only present if the tfa element contains one of these 2FA types
keywordsArray<String>✔️Array of categories to which the site belongs

Contact Object Elements

KeyValueAlways DefinedDescription
twitterStringTwitter handle
facebookStringFacebook page name
emailStringEmail address to support
formStringSupport contact form
languageStringLowercase ISO 639-1 language code for the site if it is not in English

Example website with 2FA enabled

    "Site Name",
      "domain": "example.com",
      "additional-domains": [
      "tfa": [
      "custom-software": [
      "documentation": "<link to site TFA documentation>",
      "recovery": "<link to site TFA recovery documentation>",
      "keywords": [

Example website with 2FA disabled

    "Site Name", 
      "domain": "example.com",
      "contact": {
        "twitter": "example",
        "facebook": "example",
        "email": "[email protected]"
      "keywords": [

Version 2

API version 2 is no longer available. Please upgrade to a supported version.

Version 1

API version 1 is no longer available. Please upgrade to a supported version.